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Duluth, GA 30097
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What are the top pet poisons lurking in your home?

The Animal Poison Control Center fields over 150,000 calls every year about pets that have stuck their noses—and mouths—into things that can poison them. Make sure you are aware of top pet poisons and keep them away from your pet. The two biggest dangers of poisoning a pet come from drugs meant for humans and […]

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Miniature Horses and Their Unexpected Skills

Maybe I just didn’t know enough, but miniature horses always seemed like they don’t really have a purpose, other than being cute and small. That’s something, I guess. But these tiny horses also have a great skill that few people outside the horse-loving community seem to know about. Minis, or miniature horses, are very cute […]

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Doggy Bloat

a vet technician gets a patient ready for her shots We’ve all heard of bloat in cows, but did you know that dogs can also get bloat? Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV) is a condition that occurs in large and giant breed dogs, where the stomach becomes filled with air and twists on itself. A […]

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Pet Safety around Strangers

If you find that strangers—especially kids—approach your pet because he’s so cute or unusual, you’ll probably have many chances to teach others about pet safety. When the grandkids or neighborhood children visit your home, it’s likely they’ll want to play with your pet. And if you take your puppy for a walk, he might attract some […]

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